
< cpp‎ | thread
Concurrency support library
this_thread namespace
Atomic types
Initialization of atomic types
(C++11)(deprecated in C++20)
(C++11)(deprecated in C++20)
Free functions for atomic operations
Free functions for atomic flags
Memory ordering
Mutual exclusion
Generic lock management
Condition variables
Latches and barriers
Defined in header <stop_token>
class stop_source;
(since C++20)

The stop_source class provides the means to issue a stop request, such as for std::jthread cancellation. A stop request made for one stop_source object is visible to all stop_sources and std::stop_tokens of the same associated stop-state; any std::stop_callback(s) registered for associated std::stop_token(s) will be invoked, and any std::condition_variable_any objects waiting on associated std::stop_token(s) will be awoken.

Once a stop is requested, it cannot be withdrawn. Additional stop requests have no effect.

Member functions

constructs new stop_source object
(public member function)
destructs the stop_source object
(public member function)
assigns the stop_source object
(public member function)
makes a stop request for the associated stop-state, if any
(public member function)
swaps two stop_source objects
(public member function)
returns a stop_token for the associated stop-state
(public member function)
checks whether the associated stop-state has been requested to stop
(public member function)
checks whether associated stop-state can be requested to stop
(public member function)

Non-member functions

compares two std::stop_source objects
specializes the std::swap algorithm

Helper constants

a std::nostopstate_t instance for use in stop_source constructor

Helper classes

placeholder type for use in stop_source constructor


For the purposes of std::jthread cancellation the stop_source object should be retrieved from the std::jthread object using get_stop_source(); or stop should be requested directly from the std::jthread object using request_stop(). This will then use the same associated stop-state as that passed into the std::jthread's invoked function argument (i.e., the function being executed on its thread).

For other uses, however, a stop_source can be constructed separately using the default constructor, which creates new stop-state.

Feature-test macro: __cpp_lib_jthread
