
< cpp‎ | experimental‎ | ranges
Technical specifications
Filesystem library (filesystem TS)
Library fundamentals (library fundamentals TS)
Library fundamentals 2 (library fundamentals TS v2)
Library fundamentals 3 (library fundamentals TS v3)
Extensions for parallelism (parallelism TS)
Extensions for parallelism 2 (parallelism TS v2)
Extensions for concurrency (concurrency TS)
Extensions for concurrency 2 (concurrency TS v2)
Concepts (concepts TS)
Ranges (ranges TS)
Reflection (reflection TS)
Mathematical special functions (special functions TR)
Concepts library
Core language concepts
Object concepts
Comparison concepts
Callable concepts
URNG concept
template < class T >

concept bool Movable =
  std::is_object<T>::value &&
  MoveConstructible<T> &&
  Assignable<T&, T> &&

(ranges TS)

The concept Movable<T> specifies that T is an object type that can moved (that is, it can be move constructed, move assigned, and lvalues of type T can be swapped).

There need not be any subsumption relationship between Movable<T> and std::is_object<T>::value.

See also

specifies that an object of a type can be copied, moved, and swapped