Experimental library header <experimental/ranges/concepts>

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Standard Library headers
Note: a slash '/' in a revision mark means that the header was deprecated and/or removed.
Language Support
<concepts> (C++20)
<system_error> (C++11)
General utilities
<tuple> (C++11)
<optional> (C++17)
<any> (C++17)
<variant> (C++17)
<type_traits> (C++11)
<ratio> (C++11)
<chrono> (C++11)
<charconv> (C++17)
<format> (C++20)

<cuchar> (C++11)

<codecvt> (C++11/17)

<span> (C++20)
<array> (C++11)
<ranges> (C++20)
<execution> (C++17)
<bit> (C++20)
<numbers> (C++20)
<cfenv> (C++11)
<cinttypes> (C++11)
<strstream> (C++98/)

Regular expressions
<regex> (C++11)
Filesystem support
<filesystem> (C++17)
Thread support
<thread> (C++11)
<atomic> (C++11)
<mutex> (C++11)
<shared_mutex> (C++14)
<condition_variable> (C++11)  
<future> (C++11)
<stop_token> (C++20)
<semaphore> (C++20)

<latch> (C++20)
<barrier> (C++20)

C compatibility
<cstdbool> (C++11/17/20)
<ccomplex> (C++11/17/20)
<ctgmath> (C++11/17/20)
<cstdalign> (C++11/17/20)
<ciso646> (until C++20)
Experimental library headers
Filesystem TS
Parallelism TS (v1, v2)
Library Fundamentals TS (v1, v2, v3)
Concurrency TS
Ranges TS
Coroutines TS
Networking TS
Reflection TS

This header is part of the ranges library.

Core language concepts

Defined in namespace std::experimental::ranges
specifies that a type is the same as another type
specifies that a type is derived from another type
specifies that a type is implicitly convertible to another type
specifies that two types share a common reference type
specifies that two types share a common type
specifies that a type is an integral type
specifies that a type is an integral type that is signed
specifies that a type is an integral type that is not signed
specifies that a type is assignable from another type
specifies that a type can be swapped or that two types can be swapped with each other

Comparison concepts

Defined in namespace std::experimental::ranges
specifies that a type can be used in Boolean contexts
specifies that two types can be compared for equality using operators == and !=
specifies that operator == is an equivalence relation
specifies that the comparison operators on the type yield a total order

Object concepts

Defined in namespace std::experimental::ranges
specifies that an object of the type can be destroyed
specifies that a variable of the type can be constructed from or bound to a set of argument types
specifies that an object of a type can be default constructed
specifies that an object of a type can be move constructed
specifies that an object of a type can be copy constructed and move constructed
specifies that an object of a type can be moved and swapped
specifies that an object of a type can be copied, moved, and swapped
specifies that an object of a type can be copied, moved, swapped, and default constructed
specifies that a type is regular, that is, it is both Semiregular and EqualityComparable

Callable concepts

Defined in namespace std::experimental::ranges
specifies that a callable type can be invoked with a given set of argument types
specifies that a callable type is a Boolean predicate
specifies that a callable type is a binary relation
specifies that a Relation imposes a strict weak ordering


namespace std { namespace experimental { namespace ranges { inline namespace v1 {
template <class T, class U>
concept bool Same = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool DerivedFrom = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool ConvertibleTo = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool CommonReference = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool Common = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool Integral = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool SignedIntegral = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool UnsignedIntegral = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool Assignable = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool Swappable = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool SwappableWith = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool Destructible = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class... Args>
concept bool Constructible = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool DefaultConstructible = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool MoveConstructible = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool CopyConstructible = /* see definition */;
template <class B>
concept bool Boolean = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool WeaklyEqualityComparableWith = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool EqualityComparable = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool EqualityComparableWith = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool StrictTotallyOrdered = /* see definition */;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool StrictTotallyOrderedWith = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool Movable = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool Copyable = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool Semiregular = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool Regular = /* see definition */;
template <class F, class... Args>
concept bool Invocable = /* see definition */;
template <class F, class... Args>
concept bool RegularInvocable = /* see definition */;
template <class F, class... Args>
concept bool Predicate = /* see definition */;
template <class R, class T, class U>
concept bool Relation = /* see definition */;
template <class R, class T, class U>
concept bool StrictWeakOrder = /* see definition */;