Standard library header <cwchar>

< cpp‎ | header
Standard Library headers
Note: a slash '/' in a revision mark means that the header was deprecated and/or removed.
Language Support
<concepts> (C++20)
<system_error> (C++11)
General utilities
<tuple> (C++11)
<optional> (C++17)
<any> (C++17)
<variant> (C++17)
<type_traits> (C++11)
<ratio> (C++11)
<chrono> (C++11)
<charconv> (C++17)
<format> (C++20)

<cuchar> (C++11)

<codecvt> (C++11/17)

<span> (C++20)
<array> (C++11)
<ranges> (C++20)
<execution> (C++17)
<bit> (C++20)
<numbers> (C++20)
<cfenv> (C++11)
<cinttypes> (C++11)
<strstream> (C++98/)

Regular expressions
<regex> (C++11)
Filesystem support
<filesystem> (C++17)
Thread support
<thread> (C++11)
<atomic> (C++11)
<mutex> (C++11)
<shared_mutex> (C++14)
<condition_variable> (C++11)  
<future> (C++11)
<stop_token> (C++20)
<semaphore> (C++20)

<latch> (C++20)
<barrier> (C++20)

C compatibility
<cstdbool> (C++11/17/20)
<ccomplex> (C++11/17/20)
<ctgmath> (C++11/17/20)
<cstdalign> (C++11/17/20)
<ciso646> (until C++20)

This header was originally in the C standard library as <wchar.h>.

This header is part of the null-terminated wide and multibyte strings libraries. It also provides some C-style I/O functions and conversion from C-style Date.


implementation-defined null pointer constant
(macro constant)
a non-character value of type wint_t used to indicate errors
(macro constant)
the smallest valid value of wchar_t
(macro constant)
the largest valid value of wchar_t
(macro constant)


conversion state information necessary to iterate multibyte character strings
unsigned integer type returned by the sizeof operator
wint_t integer type that can hold any valid wide character and at least one more value
calendar time type


String manipulation
copies one wide string to another
copies a certain amount of wide characters from one string to another
appends a copy of one wide string to another
appends a certain amount of wide characters from one wide string to another
transform a wide string so that wcscmp would produce the same result as wcscoll
String examination
returns the length of a wide string
compares two wide strings
compares a certain amount of characters from two wide strings
compares two wide strings in accordance to the current locale
finds the first occurrence of a wide character in a wide string
finds the last occurrence of a wide character in a wide string
returns the length of the maximum initial segment that consists
of only the wide characters found in another wide string
returns the length of the maximum initial segment that consists
of only the wide not found in another wide string
finds the first location of any wide character in one wide string, in another wide string
finds the first occurrence of a wide string within another wide string
finds the next token in a wide string
Wide character array manipulation
copies a certain amount of wide characters between two non-overlapping arrays
copies a certain amount of wide characters between two, possibly overlapping, arrays
compares a certain amount of wide characters from two arrays
finds the first occurrence of a wide character in a wide character array
copies the given wide character to every position in a wide character array
Multibyte/wide character conversion
checks if the mbstate_t object represents initial shift state
widens a single-byte narrow character to wide character, if possible
narrows a wide character to a single-byte narrow character, if possible
returns the number of bytes in the next multibyte character, given state
converts the next multibyte character to wide character, given state
converts a wide character to its multibyte representation, given state
converts a narrow multibyte character string to wide string, given state
converts a wide string to narrow multibyte character string, given state
gets a wide character from a file stream
gets a wide string from a file stream
writes a wide character to a file stream
writes a wide string to a file stream
reads a wide character from stdin
writes a wide character to stdout
puts a wide character back into a file stream
switches a file stream between wide character I/O and narrow character I/O
reads formatted wide character input from stdin, a file stream or a buffer
reads formatted wide character input from stdin, a file stream
or a buffer using variable argument list
prints formatted wide character output to stdout, a file stream or a buffer
prints formatted wide character output to stdout, a file stream
or a buffer using variable argument list
String conversions
converts a std::tm object to custom wide string textual representation
converts a wide string to an integer value
converts a wide string to an unsigned integer value
converts a wide string to a floating point value
