
< cpp‎ | iterator
Iterator library
Iterator concepts

Iterator primitives
Algorithm concepts and utilities
Indirect callable concepts
Common algorithm requirements
Iterator adaptors
Stream iterators
Iterator customization points
Iterator operations
Range access
Defined in header <iterator>
template<class I>

  concept input_iterator =
    std::input_or_output_iterator<I> &&
    std::indirectly_readable<I> &&
    requires { typename /*ITER_CONCEPT*/<I>; } &&

    std::derived_from</*ITER_CONCEPT*/<I>, std::input_iterator_tag>;
(since C++20)

The input_iterator concept is a refinement of input_or_output_iterator, adding the requirement that the referenced values can be read (via indirectly_readable) and the requirement that the iterator concept tag be present.

Iterator concept determination

Definition of this concept is specified via an exposition-only alias template /*ITER_CONCEPT*/.

In order to determine /*ITER_CONCEPT*/<I>, let ITER_TRAITS<I> denote I if the specialization std::iterator_traits<I> is generated from the primary template, or std::iterator_traits<I> otherwise:

  • If ITER_TRAITS<I>::iterator_concept is valid and names a type, /*ITER_CONCEPT*/<I> denotes the type.
  • Otherwise, if ITER_TRAITS<I>::iterator_category is valid and names a type, /*ITER_CONCEPT*/<I> denotes the type.
  • Otherwise, if std::iterator_traits<I> is generated from the primary template, /*ITER_CONCEPT*/<I> denotes std::random_access_iterator_tag.
  • Otherwise, /*ITER_CONCEPT*/<I> does not denote a type and results in a substitution failure.


Unlike the LegacyInputIterator requirements, the input_iterator concept does not require equality_comparable, since input iterators are typically compared with sentinels.

See also

specifies that objects of a type can be incremented and dereferenced