
< cpp‎ | iterator
Iterator library
Iterator concepts
Iterator primitives
Algorithm concepts and utilities
Indirect callable concepts
Common algorithm requirements
Iterator adaptors
Stream iterators
Iterator customization points
Iterator operations
Range access
Defined in header <iterator>
template< class Iter >
class reverse_iterator;

std::reverse_iterator is an iterator adaptor that reverses the direction of a given iterator, which must be at least a LegacyBidirectionalIterator or model bidirectional_iterator (since C++20). In other words, when provided with a bidirectional iterator, std::reverse_iterator produces a new iterator that moves from the end to the beginning of the sequence defined by the underlying bidirectional iterator.

For a reverse iterator r constructed from an iterator i, the relationship &*r == &*(i-1) is always true (as long as r is dereferenceable); thus a reverse iterator constructed from a one-past-the-end iterator dereferences to the last element in a sequence.

This is the iterator returned by member functions rbegin() and rend() of the standard library containers.


Member types

Member type Definition
iterator_type Iter
iterator_category std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category
value_type std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type
difference_type std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type
pointer std::iterator_traits<Iter>::pointer
reference std::iterator_traits<Iter>::reference
(until C++20)
Member type Definition
iterator_type Iter
iterator_concept If Iter models std::random_access_iterator, this is std::random_access_iterator_tag. Otherwise, this is std::bidirectional_iterator_tag
iterator_category If std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category models std::derived_from<std::random_access_iterator_tag>, this is std::random_access_iterator_tag. Otherwise, this is std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category
value_type std::iter_value_t<Iter>
difference_type std::iter_difference_t<Iter>
pointer std::iterator_traits<Iter>::pointer
reference std::iter_reference_t<Iter>
(since C++20)

Member types iterator_category, value_type, difference_type, pointer and reference are required to be obtained by inheriting from std::iterator<
, std::iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type
, std::iterator_traits<Iter>::difference_type
, std::iterator_traits<Iter>::pointer
, std::iterator_traits<Iter>::reference

(until C++17)

Member functions

constructs a new iterator adaptor
(public member function)
assigns another iterator adaptor
(public member function)
accesses the underlying iterator
(public member function)
accesses the pointed-to element
(public member function)
accesses an element by index
(public member function)
advances or decrements the iterator
(public member function)

Member objects

Member name Definition
current (protected) the underlying iterator of which base() returns a copy

Non-member functions

compares the underlying iterators
(function template)
advances the iterator
(function template)
computes the distance between two iterator adaptors
(function template)
casts the result of dereferencing the adjusted underlying iterator to its associated rvalue reference type
swaps the objects pointed to by two adjusted underlying iterators
(function template)
creates a std::reverse_iterator of type inferred from the argument
(function template)

Helper templates

template< class Iterator1, class Iterator2 >

    requires (!std::sized_sentinel_for<Iterator1, Iterator2>)
inline constexpr bool disable_sized_sentinel_for<

    std::reverse_iterator<Iterator2>> = true;
(since C++20)

This partial specialization of std::disable_sized_sentinel_for prevents specializations of reverse_iterator from satisfying sized_sentinel_for if their underlying iterators do not satisfy the concept.

Possible implementation

Below is a partial implementation focusing on the way the inner iterator is saved, calling prev only when the content is fetched via operator*.

template<typename Itr>
class reverse_iterator {
    Itr itr;
    constexpr explicit reverse_iterator(Itr itr): itr(itr) {}
    constexpr auto& operator*() {
        return *std::prev(itr); // <== returns the content of prev
    constexpr auto& operator++() {
        return *this;
    constexpr friend bool operator!=(reverse_iterator<Itr> a, reverse_iterator<Itr> b) {
        return a.itr != b.itr;


std::reverse_iterator does not work with iterators whose dereference returns a reference to a member of *this (so-called "stashing iterators").


#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
template<typename T, size_t SIZE>
class Stack {
    T arr[SIZE];
    size_t pos = 0;
    T pop() {
        return arr[--pos];
    Stack& push(const T& t) {
        arr[pos++] = t;
        return *this;
    // we wish that looping on Stack would be in LIFO order
    // thus we use std::reverse_iterator as an adaptor to existing iterators
    // (which are in this case the simple pointers: [arr, arr+pos)
    auto begin() {
        return std::reverse_iterator(arr + pos);
    auto end() {
        return std::reverse_iterator(arr);
int main() {
    Stack<int, 8> s;
    for(int val: s) {
        std::cout << val << ' ';


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See also

creates a std::reverse_iterator of type inferred from the argument
(function template)
(deprecated in C++17)
base class to ease the definition of required types for simple iterators
(class template)