std::unwrap_reference, std::unwrap_ref_decay

< cpp‎ | utility‎ | functional
Utilities library
General utilities
Date and time
Function objects
Formatting library (C++20)
Relational operators (deprecated in C++20)
Integer comparison functions
Swap and type operations
Common vocabulary types
Elementary string conversions
Function objects
Function wrappers
Partial function application
Function invocation
Identity function object
Reference wrappers
Transparent operator wrappers
Constrained comparators
Old binders and adaptors
(until C++17)
(until C++17)
(until C++17)
(until C++17)
(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)
(until C++20)
(until C++20)
(until C++17)(until C++17)
(until C++17)(until C++17)

(until C++17)
(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)(until C++17)
(until C++20)
(until C++20)
Defined in header <type_traits>
Defined in header <functional>
template< class T >
struct unwrap_reference;
(1) (since C++20)
template< class T >
struct unwrap_ref_decay;
(2) (since C++20)
1) If T is std::reference_wrapper<U> for some type U, provides a member typedef type that names U&; otherwise, provides a member typedef type that names T.
2) If T is std::reference_wrapper<U> for some type U, ignoring cv-qualification and referenceness, provides a member typedef type that names U&; otherwise, provides a member typedef type that names std::decay_t<T>.

The behavior of a program that adds specializations for any of the templates described on this page is undefined.

Member types

Name Definition

1) U& if T is std::reference_wrapper<U>; T otherwise

2) U& if std::decay_t<T> is std::reference_wrapper<U>; std::decay_t<T> otherwise

Helper types

template<class T>
using unwrap_reference_t = typename unwrap_reference<T>::type;
(1) (since C++20)
template<class T>
using unwrap_ref_decay_t = typename unwrap_ref_decay<T>::type;
(2) (since C++20)

Possible implementation

template <class T>
struct unwrap_reference { using type = T; };
template <class U>
struct unwrap_reference<std::reference_wrapper<U>> { using type = U&; };
template< class T >
struct unwrap_ref_decay : std::unwrap_reference<std::decay_t<T>> {};


std::unwrap_ref_decay performs the same transformation as used by std::make_pair and std::make_tuple.

Feature-test macro: __cpp_lib_unwrap_ref


#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
int main()
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_reference_t<int>, int>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_reference_t<const int>, const int>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_reference_t<int&>, int&>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_reference_t<int&&>, int&&>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_reference_t<int*>, int*>);
        using T = std::reference_wrapper<int>;
        using X = std::unwrap_reference_t<T>;
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<X, int&>);
        using T = std::reference_wrapper<int&>;
        using X = std::unwrap_reference_t<T>;
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<X, int&>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_ref_decay_t<int>, int>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_ref_decay_t<const int>, int>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::unwrap_ref_decay_t<const int&>, int>);
        using T = std::reference_wrapper<int&&>;
        using X = std::unwrap_ref_decay_t<T>;
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<X, int&>);
        auto reset = []<typename T>(T&& z) {
    //      x = 0; // Error: does not work if T is reference_wrapper<>
            // converts T&& into T& for ordinary types
            // converts T&& into U& for reference_wrapper<U>
            decltype(auto) r = std::unwrap_reference_t<T>(z);
            std::cout << "r: " << r << '\n';
            r = 0; // OK, r has reference type
        int x = 1;
        assert(x == 0);
        int y = 2;
        assert(y == 0);


r: 1
r: 2

See also

CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable reference wrapper
(class template)
creates a pair object of type, defined by the argument types
(function template)
creates a tuple object of the type defined by the argument types
(function template)