Standard library header <experimental/ranges/range>

< cpp‎ | header‎ | experimental
Standard Library headers
Note: a slash '/' in a revision mark means that the header was deprecated and/or removed.
Language Support
<concepts> (C++20)
<system_error> (C++11)
General utilities
<tuple> (C++11)
<optional> (C++17)
<any> (C++17)
<variant> (C++17)
<type_traits> (C++11)
<ratio> (C++11)
<chrono> (C++11)
<charconv> (C++17)
<format> (C++20)

<cuchar> (C++11)

<codecvt> (C++11/17)

<span> (C++20)
<array> (C++11)
<ranges> (C++20)
<execution> (C++17)
<bit> (C++20)
<numbers> (C++20)
<cfenv> (C++11)
<cinttypes> (C++11)
<strstream> (C++98/)

Regular expressions
<regex> (C++11)
Filesystem support
<filesystem> (C++17)
Thread support
<thread> (C++11)
<atomic> (C++11)
<mutex> (C++11)
<shared_mutex> (C++14)
<condition_variable> (C++11)  
<future> (C++11)
<stop_token> (C++20)
<semaphore> (C++20)

<latch> (C++20)
<barrier> (C++20)

C compatibility
<cstdbool> (C++11/17/20)
<ccomplex> (C++11/17/20)
<ctgmath> (C++11/17/20)
<cstdalign> (C++11/17/20)
<ciso646> (until C++20)

This header is part of the ranges library.

Range concepts

Defined in namespace std::experimental::ranges
specifies that a type is a range, that is, it provides a begin iterator and an end sentinel
specifies that a range knows its size in constant time
specifies that a range is a view, that is, it has constant time copy/move/assignment
specifies that a range has identical iterator and sentinel types
specifies a range whose iterator type satisfies InputIterator
specifies a range whose iterator type satisfies OutputIterator
specifies a range whose iterator type satisfies ForwardIterator
specifies a range whose iterator type satisfies BidirectionalIterator
specifies a range whose iterator type satisfies RandomAccessIterator

Range access

Defined in namespace std::experimental::ranges
returns an iterator to the beginning of a range
(customization point object)
returns an iterator to the end of a range
(customization point object)
returns a reverse iterator to a range
(customization point object)
returns a reverse end iterator to a range
(customization point object)

Range primitives

Defined in namespace std::experimental::ranges
obtains the size of a range whose size can be calculated in constant time
(customization point object)
checks whether a range is empty
(customization point object)
obtains a pointer to the beginning of a contiguous range
(customization point object)
obtains the iterator and sentinel types of a range
(alias template)


#include <experimental/ranges/iterator>
namespace std { namespace experimental { namespace ranges { inline namespace v1 {
namespace {
  constexpr /* unspecified */ begin = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ end = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ cbegin = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ cend = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ rbegin = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ rend = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ crbegin = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ crend = /* unspecified */;
namespace {
  constexpr /* unspecified */ size = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ empty = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ data = /* unspecified */;
  constexpr /* unspecified */ cdata = /* unspecified */;
template <class T>
using iterator_t = decltype(ranges::begin(declval<T&>()));
template <class T>
using sentinel_t = decltype(ranges::end(declval<T&>()));
template <class>
constexpr bool disable_sized_range = false;
template <class T>
struct enable_view { };
struct view_base { };
template <class T>
concept bool Range = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool SizedRange = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool View = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool BoundedRange = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool InputRange = /* see definition */;
template <class R, class T>
concept bool OutputRange = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool ForwardRange = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool BidirectionalRange = /* see definition */;
template <class T>
concept bool RandomAccessRange = /* see definition */;