std::ranges::iota_view<W, Bound>::iterator

< cpp‎ | ranges‎ | iota view
Ranges library
Range access
Range conversions
Range primitives

Dangling iterator handling
Range concepts


Range adaptor objects
Range adaptor closure objects
Helper items
Member functions
Deduction guides (C++20)
Helper concepts
struct /*iterator*/;
(1) (since C++20)
Helper alias templates
template< class I >
using /*iota-diff-t*/ = /* see below */;  // exposition only
(2) (since C++20)
Helper concepts
template< class I >

concept /*decrementable*/ =               // exposition only
  std::incrementable<I> && requires(I i) {
    { --i } -> std::same_as<I&>;
    { i-- } -> std::same_as<I>;

(3) (since C++20)
template< class I >

concept /*advanceable*/ =                 // exposition only
  /*decrementable*/<I> && std::totally_ordered<I> &&
  requires(I i, const I j, const /*iota-diff-t*/<I> n) {
    { i += n } -> std::same_as<I&>;
    { i -= n } -> std::same_as<I&>;
    I(j + n);
    I(n + j);
    I(j - n);
    { j - j } -> std::convertible_to</*iota-diff-t*/<I>>;

(4) (since C++20)
1) The return type of iota_view::begin. The name of this class (shown here as /*iterator*/) is unspecified.
2) The exposition-only alias template iota-diff-t calculates the difference type for both iterator types and integer-like types.
  • If W is not an integral type, or if it is an integral type and sizeof(std::iter_difference_t<I>) is greater than sizeof(I), then /*iota-diff-t*/<I> is std::iter_difference_t<I>.
  • Otherwise, /*iota-diff-t*/<I> is a signed integer type of width greater than the width of I if such a type exists.
  • Otherwise, I is one of the widest integral types, and /*iota-diff-t*/<I> is an unspecified signed-integer-like type of width not less than the width of I. It is unspecified whether /*iota-diff-t*/<I> models weakly_incrementable in this case.
3) The exposition-only concept decrementable specifies that a type is incrementable, and pre- and post- operator-- for the type have common meaning.
4) The exposition-only concept advanceable specifies that a type is both decrementable and totally_ordered, and operator+=, operator-=, operator+, and operator- among the type and its different type have common meaning.

Semantic requirements

3) Type I models decrementable only if I satisfies decrementable and all concepts it subsumes are modeled, and given equal objects a and b of type I:
  • If a and b are in the domain of both pre- and post- operator-- (i.e. they are decrementable), then the following are all true:
  • If a and b are are in the domain of both pre- and post- operator++ (i.e. they are incrementable), then bool(--(++a) == b) is true.
4) Let D denote /*iota-diff-t*/<I>. Type I models advanceable only if I satisfies advanceable and all concepts it subsumes are modeled, and given
  • objects a and b of type I and
  • value n of type D,

such that b is reachable from a after n applications of ++a, all following conditions are satisfied:

  • (a += n) is equal to b.
  • std::addressof(a += n) is equal to std::addressof(a).
  • I(a + n) is equal to (a += n).
  • For any two positive values x and y of type D, if I(a + D(x + y)) is well-defined, then I(a + D(x + y)) is equal to I(I(a + x) + y).
  • I(a + D(0)) is equal to a.
  • If I(a + D(n - 1)) is well-defined, then I(a + n) is equal to [](I c) { return ++c; }(I(a + D(n - 1))).
  • (b += -n) is equal to a.
  • (b -= n) is equal to a.
  • std::addressof(b -= n) is equal to std::addressof(b).
  • I(b - n) is equal to (b -= n).
  • D(b - a) is equal to n.
  • D(a - b) is equal to D(-n).
  • bool(a <= b) is true.

Member types

Member type Definition
iterator_concept std::random_access_iterator_tag if W models advanceable.
Otherwise, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag if W models decrementable.
Otherise, std::forward_iterator_tag if W models incrementable.
Otherwise, std::input_iterator_tag.
iterator_category std::input_iterator_tag if W models incrementable.
Otherwise, there is no member type iterator_category.
value_type W
difference_type /*iota-diff-t*/<W>

Notes: /*iterator*/ is

However, it only satisfies LegacyInputIterator if W models incrementable, and does not satisfy LegacyInputIterator otherwise.

Data members

Typical implementation of this iterator type holds one data member of type W (shown here as value_): the value used for dereferencing.

Member functions


/*iterator*/() requires std::default_initializable<W> = default;
(1) (since C++20)
constexpr explicit /*iterator*/( W value );
(2) (since C++20)
1) Value initializes the exposition-only data member value_ via its default member initializer (= W()).
2) Initializes the exposition-only data member value_ with value. This value will be returned by operator* and incremented by operator++.


constexpr W operator*() const
(since C++20)

Returns the current value, by value (in other words, this is a read-only view).


constexpr /*iterator*/& operator++()
(1) (since C++20)
constexpr void operator++(int)
(2) (since C++20)
constexpr /*iterator*/ operator++(int) requires std::incrementable<W>;
(3) (since C++20)
1) Equivalent to ++value_; return *this;.
2) Equivalent to ++value_;.
3) Equivalent to auto tmp = *this; ++value_; return tmp;.


constexpr /*iterator*/& operator--() requires /*decrementable*/<W>;
(1) (since C++20)
constexpr /*iterator*/operator--(int) requires /*decrementable*/<W>;
(2) (since C++20)
1) Equivalent to --value_; return *this;.
2) Equivalent to auto tmp = *this; --value_; return tmp;.


constexpr /*iterator*/& operator+=( difference_type n )
    requires /*advanceable*/<W>;
(since C++20)

If W is unsigned-integer-like, performs value_ += static_cast<W>(n) if n is non-negative, value -= static_cast<W>(-n) otherwise, and then returns *this.

Otherwise, equivalent to value_ += n; return *this;.


constexpr /*iterator*/& operator-=( difference_type n )
    requires /*advanceable*/<W>;
(since C++20)

If W is unsigned-integer-like, performs value_ -= static_cast<W>(n) if n is non-negative, or value += static_cast<W>(-n) otherwise, and then returns *this.

Otherwise, equivalent to value_ -= n; return *this;.


constexpr W operator[]( difference_type n ) const
    requires /*advanceable*/<W>;
(since C++20)

Equivalent to return W(value_ + n);.

Non-member functions

operator==, <, >, <=, >=, <=>(std::ranges::iota_view::iterator)

friend constexpr bool operator== (const /*iterator*/& x, const /*iterator*/& y)
    requires std::equality_comparable<W>;
(1) (since C++20)
friend constexpr bool operator<  (const /*iterator*/& x, const /*iterator*/& y)
    requires std::totally_ordered<W>;
(2) (since C++20)
friend constexpr bool operator>  (const /*iterator*/& x, const /*iterator*/& y)
    requires std::totally_ordered<W>;
(3) (since C++20)
friend constexpr bool operator<= (const /*iterator*/& x, const /*iterator*/& y)
    requires std::totally_ordered<W>;
(4) (since C++20)
friend constexpr bool operator>= (const /*iterator*/& x, const /*iterator*/& y)
    requires std::totally_ordered<W>;
(5) (since C++20)
friend constexpr bool operator<=>(const /*iterator*/& x, const /*iterator*/& y)
    requires std::totally_ordered<W> && std::three_way_comparable<W>;
(6) (since C++20)
1) Equivalent to return x.value_ == y.value_;.
2) Equivalent to return x.value_ < y.value_;.
3) Equivalent to return y < x;.
4) Equivalent to return !(y < x);.
5) Equivalent to return !(x < y);.
6) Equivalent to return x.value_ <=> y.value_;.

The != operator is synthesized from operator==.

These functions are not visible to ordinary unqualified or qualified lookup, and can only be found by argument-dependent lookup when iterator is an associated class of the arguments.


friend constexpr /*iterator*/ operator+( /*iterator*/ i, difference_type n )
    requires /*advanceable*/<W>;
(1) (since C++20)
friend constexpr /*iterator*/ operator+( difference_type n, /*iterator*/ i )
    requires /*advanceable*/<W>;
(2) (since C++20)

Equivalent to i += n; return i;.

These functions are not visible to ordinary unqualified or qualified lookup, and can only be found by argument-dependent lookup when iterator is an associated class of the arguments.


friend constexpr /*iterator*/ operator-( /*iterator*/ i, difference_type n )
    requires /*advanceable*/<W>;
(1) (since C++20)
friend constexpr difference_type operator-( const /*iterator*/& x,

                                            const /*iterator*/& y )

    requires /*advanceable*/<W>;
(2) (since C++20)
1) Equivalent to i -= n; return i;.
2) Let D be difference_type.
  • If W is signed-integer-like, equivalent to return D(D(x.value_) - D(y.value_));.
  • Otherwise, if W is unsigned-integer-like, equivalent to return y.value_ > x.value_ ? D(-D(y.value_ - x.value_)) : D(x.value_ - y.value_);.
  • Otherwise, equivalent to return x.value_ - y.value_;.

These functions are not visible to ordinary unqualified or qualified lookup, and can only be found by argument-dependent lookup when iterator is an associated class of the arguments.

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
P2259R1 C++20 member iterator_category is always defined defined only if W satisfies incrementable
LWG 3580 C++20 bodies of operator+ and operator- rule out implicit move made suitable for implicit move